Selasa, 20 Oktober 2020

Reading (Advance Class)


People who stay in education  for longer appear to have better ability to compensate for the effects of dementia on the brain, a study suggests. A UK and Finnish team found those with more education whereas likely to show the signs of dementia in their brains at death as those with less. But they were less likely to have displayed symptoms during their lifetime, the study in brain said,  Experts said scientists now had to find out why the effects occurred.

Over the past decade, studies on dementia have consistently shown that the more time someone spends in education, the lower the risk of dementia will be. But studies have been unable to show whether or not education-which is linked to higher  socio-economic status and healthier lifestyle-protects the brain against dementia.

The researchers in this study examined the brains of 872 people who had been part of three large ageing studies. Before their deaths they had also completed questionnaires about their education. The researchers found that more education makes people better able to cope with changes in the brain associated with dementia. It is showed that, for each year spent in education, there was an 11% decreased risk of developing dementia.

In addition, the researchers used data from the eclipse collaborations which combines the Europian population-based longitudinal studies of ageing from the UK and Finland which have assessed people for up to 20 years. This is the largest study ever to confirm that hitting the books could help people fight the symptoms of dementia in later life. What is not known is why a longer education is so good for people. Another reason could be that education  people find ways of managing or hiding their symptoms. What is needed now is more research to find out why education can make the brain more ‘dementia resistant’.

Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer’s Research Trust, said: “During dementia, protein build up in the brain and nerve cells become damaged. This research suggest that education is not able to stop the damage but enables the brain  to cope better and alleviate its impact.”

Exercise : Write your own explanation related to the text above! 

Note : Write in comments column and write your full name first ! 

Don't copy and paste!

8 komentar:

  1. Suci Rahma Hamid

    My new vocabularies
    2.the symptoms
    3.healthier lifestyle-protects
    4. cope

  2. New vovabularies

    1. Dementia
    2. Alleviate
    3. Cope
    Hasni Dewi

  3. The symptoms of dementia can be prevented by study hard.

  4. Sigit Sugiarto

    My new vocabularies:
    1. appear
    2. compensate
    3. dementia
    4. symptoms
    5. longitudinal studies
    6. nerve
    7. alleviate

  5. Nasriani N

    Spending time in education can decrease the effect of dementia.

  6. Sitti Sahifah

    Education is very important agains the dementia symptoms in our brain. According to a research, although education can not stop the symptoms but it can decrease its effect.

  7. The symptoms of dementia can be prevented by study hard.

    New vocabulary:
    2. Alleviate

    Evie Hasmira

  8. Nining Sintia Dewi

    New Vocabulary :
    1. Whereas
    2. Compensate
    3. Healthier
    4. Ageing
    5. Nerve
    6. Cope
    7. Alleviate
